About our Patient Participation Group [PPG]

About our Patient Participation Group [PPG]Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are made up of volunteers interested in healthcare issues which meet to decide ways and means of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the surgery to patients.
They are an excellent way for practices to keep in touch with the patient perspective and improve the patient experience. They can also help to influence the commissioning of services and support the practice through more practical ways like fundraising or organising support groups.
Please note PPG is not a forum for individual complaints or for single issue campaigns.
We are currently trying hard to re-establish the Patient Participation Group. We are looking to involve registered patients on a voluntary basis.
We would like to hear your views on: what works, what doesn’t and what improvements you would like to see in the near future.
You would be invited to attend the Patient Group at the practice, once a month, to discuss the focus of any changes to be made and the outcomes.
Patient involvement is now high priority in the NHS. PPGs are used to establish a means of both the Primary Care Trust and the medical practice communicating with patients.
We are looking for the proactive engagement of patients across all age groups; your contribution to help us give the best quality of health care will be valued and appreciated.
If you are interested in applying to be on our PPG please ask the receptionist for an application form.